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Katharina Ruth

Leitung des ambulanten Hospizdienstes

Bettina Beutel


Gabriele Weber



Whether you are brand new to the church thing or you’ve been around church for a while; we want to say welcome! Our goal at Holy Church is to create environments and experiences where you can encounter God in the midst of your life. When you come to Holy Church on a weekend our aim is that you would be inspired by the music, encouraged by the message, welcomed by our amazing community of people & be reminded that God’s grace is here!

Gathering Times

Saturday: 5:30 pm
Sunday: 8:00 am, 9:15 am and 11:00 am

Kontakt / Anfahrt

Kontakt / Anfahrt

Hospizdienst »Die Pusteblume«

Hospizbüro & NetzwerkCafé
Blankstraße 41 · 42119 Wuppertal
  0202 43 05 124 


Blankstraße 5 · 42119 Wuppertal

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